Student Resources

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Resources for Undergraduates

Resources for Graduate Students

Additional Web Resources

Internship Opportunities

Resources for Undergraduates

Stay Informed
  1. Join the Undergraduate E-mail List
  2. Contact the Department
Majors, Minors, and Policies
  1. Majoring in Computer Science
  2. Minoring in CS or CIT
  3. Studying for a BA and MA
  4. AP Credits
  5. Minimum Grade Requirement
  6. Graduate Courses for Undergraduates
  7. CS Curriculum Transition Policy 2004
  8. Transfer Students (Queens College)
  9. Transfer Students (Computer Science)
  10. Graduation Procedure
  11. Check List For CS Major (Curriculum in effect Fall 2004)
  12. Check List For CS Major (Curriculum in effect Fall 2001)
  13. Check List For CS Major (Curriculum in effect before Fall 2001)
  14. Academic Integrity
  1. Course Descriptions
  2. Schedule of Classes
  3. Special Topics Courses
  4. CUNY BlackBoard Homepage
  1. Undergraduate Advisors
  2. Full-Time Faculty Office Hours
  3. Adjunct Faculty Office Hours
  4. Directions to the Department
Honors and Opportunities
  1. Departmental Awards & Honors
  2. UPE Honor Society
  3. UPE Scholarship Application
  4. Internship Application Form
  5. ACM Student Research Competition
  6. CRA Undergraduate Research Awards
  7. QC Office of Honors and Scholarships
Additional Campus Resources
  1. Admissions Office
  2. Financial Aid Office
  3. Office of Career Services
  4. Registrar Home Page
  5. I T S (Information Technologies Services)
  6. Computer Lab Hours
  7. Campus Directory
  8. Queens College Homepage
  9. CUNY Homepage

Resources for Graduate Students

Stay Informed
  1. Join the Graduate Student E-mail List
  2. Contact the Department
Degree Options and Policies
  1. Graduate Degree Choices
  2. Masters (MA) in Computer Science
  3. Studying for a BA and MA
  4. PhD Program in Computer Science
  5. Overview of MA Program
  6. Letter to MA Applicants
  7. Guide for New MA Students
  8. Graduation Checklist for MA
  9. Additional Policies for MA
  10. Graduation Procedure
  1. Course Descriptions
  2. Schedule of Classes
  3. Special Topics Courses
  4. Registering for Graduate Classes
  5. Master's-Level Courses in CS
  6. Special Topics Courses for Semicore Requirement
  7. FAQ on Conditional Courses for MA
  8. Prerequisite Tables for MA Courses
  9. CUNY BlackBoard Homepage
  1. Graduate Advisors
  2. Computer Science Tutors
  3. Full-Time Faculty Office Hours
  4. Adjunct Faculty Office Hours
  5. Directions to the Department
Honors and Opportunities
  1. ACM Student Research Competition
  2. QC Office of Honors and Scholarships
Additional Campus Resources
  1. Admissions Office
  2. Financial Aid Office
  3. Office of Career Services
  4. Registrar Home Page
  5. O I T (Office of Information Technologies)
  6. Computer Lab Hours
  7. Campus Directory
  8. Queens College Homepage
  9. CUNY Homepage
The Chaney-Goodman-Schwerner clock tower beyond Powdermaker Hall, named in honor of the college's distinguished anthropologist, Hortense Powdermaker. The building reopened in 2003 after a five-year renovation.

Additional Web Resources

Non-Profit Organizations and Societies
  1. AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence
  2. ACL: Association for Computational Linguistics
  3. ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
  4. AMS: American Mathematical Society
  5. CPSR: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
  6. CRA: Computing Research Association Home Page
  7. CSPP: Computer Systems Policy Project
  8. IEEE: The Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers
  9. IEEE Computer Society
  10. IEEE Communications Society
  11. IFIP: International Federation for Information Processing
  12. INNS: International Neural Network Society
  13. ISCA: International Society for Computers and their Applications
  14. NAS: The National Academy of Sciences
  15. SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  16. VLDB: The Very Large Data Bases Endowment
  17. OSF: Open Software Foundation
  18. The Internet Society
  19. The Association for Women in Computing
Corporate Research Labs
  1. AT&T Research Laboratories
  2. Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
  3. Cray Research Inc.
  4. Google Research
  5. IBM Research and Labs
  6. Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
  7. Microsoft Research
  8. The Mitre Corporation
  9. Oracle Labs
  10. Software Engineering Institute
  11. Yahoo! Research
Standards, Task Forces, and Watch Groups
  1. NIST: National Institute of Science and Technology
  2. WebAIM: Web Accessibility in Mind
  3. Merit Networks Incorporated
  4. IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
  5. EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation
  6. PI: Privacy International
  7. IPC: Internet Privacy Coalition
  8. The ATM Forum
  9. InterNIC
  10. The World-Wide Web Consortium
Funding Agencies
  1. The National Science Foundation
  2. DARPA
  3. Army Research Lab
  4. Office of Naval Research
  5. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  6. Intel Research Council
  7. Department of Education
  8. National Institutes of Health
Industry Links
  1. CA: Computer Associates
  2. Intel Corporation
  3. MS: Microsoft Corporation
  4. Apple Computers
  5. IBM: International Business Machines
  6. Sun Microsystems
  7. SGI: Silicon Graphics Inc
  8. HP: Hewelt Packard
  9. Xerox Corporation
  10. BBN Corporation
  11. Ericsson
  12. RSA Data Security Inc.
Special Interest Groups
  1. ACM Special Interest Groups
  2. IEEE Societies
  3. Computational Linguistics Special Interest Groups
Conferences and Events
  1. IEEE Conferences
  2. ACM Calendar of Upcoming Conferences and Workshops
  3. IASTED International Conferences
On-Line Technical Publications, Indices, and Bibliographies
  1. WWW Virtual Library on Computing
  2. Association for Computational Linguistics Digital Anthology
  3. Google Scholar
  4. The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
  5. The ACM Digital Library
  6. MIT LCS Reading Room
  7. Computing Research News On-Line
  8. Bibliographies on Theory/Foundations of Computer Science
  9. InterJournal
Technical Journals
  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Computing Reviews
  3. ACM Collected Algorithms
  4. ACM, Journal of the
  5. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing
  6. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
  7. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
  8. ACM Transactions on Database Systems
  9. ACM Transactions on Graphics
  10. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
  11. ACM Transactions on Information Systems
  12. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
  13. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
  14. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
  15. Computational Linguistics Journal
  16. IEEE Transactions on Computers
  17. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
  18. Taylor and Francis Computer Science Journals
  19. VLDB Journal
  20. Wikipedia Listing of Computer Science Journals
Technical Magazines
  1. ACM SIGMOD Record
  2. Communications of the ACM
Computer Related Magazines, Publishers, and Book Stores
  1. Quantum Books
  2. Java World
  3. Wired Magazine
  4. Byte Magazine
  5. ZDNet

On-Line Technical References, Manuals, and Tutorials
  1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach featuring the Internet
  2. The Linux Sys/tem Administrators' Guide
  3. The Java Tutorial and The Java API Overview
  4. Introducing ADA

References for Computer Scientists
  1. ASCII Code
  2. A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms
  3. On-line Dictionary of Computing