The mission of the Center for Computational Infrastructure for the Sciences (CCIS)
at Queens College is to promote and facilitate the intellectual cross-fertilization
between departments and divisions to capitalize on our distributed talent and strength
in computational sciences, which encompass the field of computer science and all
fields of scientific endeavor that are heavily dependent on computation.
CCIS conducts research on the theory, methodology, and technology (e.g., analytics, modeling, simulation, visualization) that enable
computation to be used as an effective means for scientific discovery, and on
the deployment of such computational theory, methodology, and technology in
large-scale interdisciplinary applications.
In addition to hosting the intellectual infrastructure, i.e., the technical know-how,
of using computation for the advancement of sciences, CCIS also houses processors
and storage devices for computation/data-intensive research projects. Furthermore,
CCIS actively engages in training and mentoring of student researchers at all levels
and in curriculum development to provide the necessary skills for our students to
become successful scientists and engineers in the computational information age.